Sitemap - 2022 - A Perennial Digression
How Perennialist is A Perennial Digression?
An Article on The Sandman over at Pop Culture and Theology!
Christian Pluralism, Within and Without
"How Can We Belong to the Universe?" with Mary-Jane Rubenstein
“Coming to Terms With Your Reality” with Anthony Ashley and Blaine Eldredge
"The Imaginal and the Poetic" with David Bentley Hart
"The Poetics of Liturgy" with David Russell Mosley
On Lost Children and Bad Fathers
Ritual Continuity and Sacramental Validity
A Short Review of David Bentley Hart's Tradition and Apocalypse
Twelve Chapters on Critical Thinking
An Article on Cobra Kai and Religion Over at Pop Culture and Theology
God is the Destiny of All Worlds