Thank you so much for this article!! Your summation and thorough exposition on the subject of yoga was beyond refreshing. I stumbled upon this website while doing a little "digging" triggered by a very disturbing comment made by a fellow "Facebooker". I already knew her comment was GROSSLY misinformed but your article really drove the point home!! RESEARCH IS FUNDAMENTAL!! Thank you again! :-)

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I’m not a Christian but I’m drawn to the faith, and have been thoroughly enjoying your interviews with DBH, and am now enjoying dipping into your articles. This one touches on something which has been pestering me for some time: the question of which specific practices the early Christians classed as sorcery (φαρμακεία), and whether it was just an admonition against any practice which could be seen to undermine or bypass the true God, seeking instead to gain power for oneself.

Could the practices of Plotinus be classed as borderline sorcery?

I’d love to read more about this topic, and also the Hebrew context around contacting familiar spirits, idolatry etc. Any book recommendations?

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Yoga has made me a better Christian. I am grateful to people like Sadhguru, the guy in your photo, who have presented yoga in a new way to the world. In fact, he helped me to understand my own church’s tradition of Hesychasm in a deeper way. Hesychasm and Yoga are pretty much the same thing. I wish in my early years I was able to see that. Like your post points out, I used to beleive yoga was demonic. Thankfully, I was later able to see yoga as a religious science open to diversity and application. Ironically, this is the same way Hesychasm is defined. Thank you for your post.

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