
Some special mentions for the interested reader that might assist with grasping some of the ideas here expressed


Philo of Alexandria, De Opificio Mundi (English: "On the Creation of the World")

Origen of Alexandria, De Principiis (English: "On First Principles")

Plotinus, Enneads and various works of scholarship and philosophy on Plotinus (I commend the works of Stephen RL Clark, in particular)

Gregory Nyssen, De Opificio Hominis (English: "On the Making of the Human Being")

The Works of Ps-Dionysios the Areopagite

The works of Maximus the Confessor and various scholars commenting on him, particularly Jordan Daniel Wood

Eriugena, Periphyseon

David Bentley Hart's entire corpus, but especially The Experience of God; That All Shall Be Saved; You Are Gods: Essays on Nature and Supernature, Chapter Six: "The Chiasmus: The Created Supernatural and the Natural Divine"


Ibn Arabi, The Bezels of Wisdom


The Upanishads


The commentaries of Adi Shankaracharya

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I'm very on board with most of this. One point of confusion, however:

When you use the terms "noetic" and "sensible," it seems there is some ambiguity. You speak as if the noetic is primarily the uncreated pattern of creation contained virtually in the Logos, whereas the sensible is the temporal and fallible manifestation of that pattern in the "plastic" creation. Yet within this dichotomy it becomes difficult to place created intelligible beings, in which one ought, it seems to me, to include human (and other) souls, angels, gods, etc. Moreover, it would appear that the created intelligible is as fallen as the sensible in that said beings are capable of ignorance and hence evil. Perhaps I'm missing something or simply misunderstanding your terminology?

Also, any reading recommendations for the Trinitarian theology you outline here? I have a decent grasp of the basics per Augustine/Gregory Nyssen but know little about perichoresis or hypostatization of beings through the Spirit.

Best of luck with the new school year.

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I'm so thankful for your work David and to have found a fellow believer in anekantavada:)


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A dumb question. In your mind, is the World Soul similar to Bulgakov's Sophia?

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Thank you. This is very useful! A lot of study and thought therein.

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Whoever Michael is,

He is entirely undeserving of your friendship.

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Do you have any thoughts, you’d be willing to share, about the “A Letter to an Inquirer Stating the Errors of Radical Non-dualism” article posted in the comments? Seems like it’s more worthy of a response than most that get replied to, but understand if it’s a bit too much. How Protestantism fits would be an interesting read.

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In Daoist thought, there are 2 souls: Hun and Po. Hun is immortal and goes back to the immaterial realm/heaven when we die. The Po is mortal and goes back to the material realm/earth when we die. The Po unites with our body at conception. The Hun enters our body 7 days after birth.

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This is most illuminating, I'm sure I'll come back to it often when seeking to understand key aspects of Christian Theology.

I have a question: when you use the word Faith, as in "this is what I believe", how would you define it? What exact term(s) are used in scripture?

Thanks in advance.

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